Eight Year Anniversary

Eight Year Anniversary

Eight years ago today, I woke up as a young novice, Sister Mary Inez. By the evening of the same day, I’d said farewell to my novice sisters and friends, exchanged my habit for laywomen’s clothes, and flown home to southeast Michigan.

March 7, 2014 marks a definite turning point in my life journey. It began a period of radical change, filled with challenges, fueled by God’s grace, and continuing to bear abundant fruit. ❤️

This day wasn’t an easy moment in my life journey, but I thank the Lord for it. If I hadn’t followed God’s call to leave the convent, I wouldn’t be the happy wife, mom, and writer I am today. Blessed be God for all His gifts: especially the scary, difficult ones!

Kreger family train ride at Crossroads Village in Genessee County, Michigan.

In memory of my 8-year anniversary, I’m excited to release my first two audio recordings for Life After Convent blog!

The first recording, Sister, What Do You Desire? tells the story of why I chose to leave the convent. You can listen to the recording on the blog post, or in the audio file below:

Life After Convent Post #2: Sister, What Do You Desire? by Mary Rose Kreger.

The second recording, Winter Wonderland, is about my first few hours back home in Michigan. Here is the audio file:

Life After Convent Post #3: Winter Wonderland by Mary Rose Kreger.

To listen to more audio recordings, please visit my recent blog post, Let Me Hear Your Voice.

Thank you so much for reading and for your continued support! May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you on your own life journeys!

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